Ankur R. Behl, MD

Orthopaedic Sports Medicine, Orthopaedic Surgery

4.9 out of 5

1,710 verified ratings

Patient Reviews

The following ratings and reviews are based on verified feedback collected from independently administered patient experience surveys. The ratings and comments submitted by patients reflect their own views and opinions. Patient identities are withheld to ensure confidentiality and privacy.
Likelihood to Recommend

4.9out of 5(1,710 Ratings, 513 Comments)

Apr 15, 2021
From our first meeting throughout this entire process, Dr. Behl was always focused on me as his patient not as a 'knee case'. Every step of the way he made sure that I was clear on what he was looking to accomplish, what was expected of me during recover and rehab, and that I was always tracking toward my goals following the surgery. His approach to healing is what I believe drove the positive outcome/result from this process. I am truly grateful for his time and expertise, the patience and knowledge of his staff (Nick) and the phenomenal work of Brittany in the rehab department. Thank you all so very much! I really appreciate all of your hard work and efforts. Please feel free to contact me directly (815-508-8366) if you'd like to chat about my experience in further detail.
Published on Apr 13, 2023

Apr 15, 2021
Thorough caring
Published on Apr 13, 2023

Apr 10, 2021
Dr. Behl is extremely knowledgeable and friendly. He has seen my son through surgery and follow up and I trust him explicitly.
Published on Apr 13, 2023