Timothy Miller, MD

Family Medicine

3574 Center Road

Brunswick, OH 44212 Directions

(330) 225-8886


4.8 out of 5

108 verified ratings

108 Ratings, 7 Comments

The following ratings and reviews are based on verified feedback collected from independently administered patient experience surveys. The ratings and comments submitted by patients reflect their own views and opinions. Patient identities are withheld to ensure confidentiality and privacy.
Mar 20, 2018
I love my doctor. He listens and truly works with me to provide the best possible care. The staff are extremely courteous, caring and knowledgeable. I have never had a bad experience with my doctor or the staff.

Mar 11, 2018
I am thankful for *Dr. Miller. He always remembers me and asks me how life is. He truly cares about his patients. I recommend him to my friends and family.

Mar 7, 2018
Doctor Miller is a great guy. He's very no nonsense but at the same time, has a good sense of humor. When getting to know you and establishing a repertoire with the client, he is extremely professional and always by the book. I am extremely happy with him as my health care provider, and despite only seeing him for check ups and the occasional health concern, I feel lucky to have him as my doctor.

Mar 6, 2018
My teenaged son gets along with *Dr. Miller perfectly. *Dr. Miller speaks to him like a young adult and not like a child. This shows respect & my son can talk to him comfortably.

Nov 29, 2017
Dr Miller has always been very professional and courteous in providing care to me!

Oct 9, 2017
Dr. Miller is always a pleasure to see. I switched to him because he is most available and also easiest to get appt. with. He is also extremely thorough and efficient. He is very well mannered and is most respectful when discussing med, medical issues or any concerns. He treats me like a person who has a brain rather than someone he's is just trying to move along. I recommend him to all my family!

Sep 20, 2017
Dr Miller is a very caring ,professional doctor.....his knowledge of medications and me as his patient is excellent....Outside of a physical I have not needed visits but do see more in the future.....would rate Dr Miller as excellent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!