Kamaljit Kaur, MD

Family Medicine

7857 N. University Dr.

Parkland, FL 33067 Directions


4.6 out of 5

138 verified ratings

138 Ratings, 6 Comments

The following ratings and reviews are based on verified feedback collected from independently administered patient experience surveys. The ratings and comments submitted by patients reflect their own views and opinions. Patient identities are withheld to ensure confidentiality and privacy.
Apr 11, 2018
Dr. Kaur is excellent...

Apr 8, 2018
I find the Parkland Cleveland Clinic office to be run very efficiently. The office staff was cordial and helpful. The nurse was efficient and nice. It was the first time meeting Dr. Kaur. My former doctor at the Parkland office had moved on. I thought Dr. Kaur was very patient with me and didn't rush through anything. She referred to my past history with the Weston doctors office. She was knowledgeable and she advised me to make sure to follow up with my other providers for the problems I discussed with her. I was very impressed with Dr. Kaur.

Apr 8, 2018
I felt comfortable with Dr. Kaur talking about the issues I was concerned with.

Apr 1, 2018
Dr. Kaur is the most caring Dr. I have ever had. She takes the time to explain everything thoroughly, she posts information to the portal the same day of the visit and she sends the Lab Results as soon as she gets them. She is a 10++ Doctor.

Jan 1, 2018
I was seen by the doctor and the nurse. I am very pleased with the treatment I received from both people.

Sep 20, 2017
the check up seemed short and incomplete. My previous provider spent more time, checked reflex, strength of my grip, asked memory questions, took and EKG, looked into my eyes and ears. None of this was done at my last to check ups with this provider.